About Me
Kathrine Walker has been in practice as a Registered Massage Therapist based in Fredericton, NB since 1996. She became a Certified Rolf Method/ Structural Integration Practitioner in 2000 after completing her training in Boulder, CO and Kauai, HI. She has additionally achieved her Advanced Structural Integration training in Walpole, ME in 2014. Currently Kathrine is a member of the College of Massage Therapists of New Brunswick, the Association of New Brunswick Massage Therapists and the International Association of Structural Integrators.
Dedicated to a love of learning, Kathrine is currently finishing up the final research phase for completion of her Manual Osteopathy diploma at the CEO, Halifax campus. Since 2008, she has also pursued training relevant to chronic pelvic pain, Cranio Sacral, TMD, the female pelvis, and Trauma Release. These areas build not only on her professional education in body work, but also her interests stemming from a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and an ongoing interest in helping people by using her hands.
Her love of this work was inspired at an early age and deeply informed by her own recovery from a back injury and bouts of chronic pain through her youth which were dramatically helped by Rolf method work, Crania Sacral Therapy and Naturopathy. Additionally influenced by her interest in T’ai Chi and an ongoing pursuit of bodily health and fitness, Kathrine draws her strength from movement and being in nature and is focused on finishing her Manual Osteopathic studies.
Kathrine enjoys raising her family with her life partner Andrew and working in her home centered practice where clients are often greeted by her gentle dog Sadie and her side kicks Theo and Ezzie (cats).
26 Beaconsfield Street
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H2